Waste Water Treatment Facility

Date Updated: 22 October 2016, Views:9177

Domestic and industrial waste water produced by Demirtaş Organized Zone's businesses is being treated within extended aeration biological treatment facility. Extended aeration activated sludge process is being used for removing biological nitrogen and phosphorus. Facility has been managed as biological manner, however chemical option for unexpected waste water spills has been made available. Facility is meeting discharge parameters by just biological treatment for now.

DOSAB Waste Water Treatment Facility, has been commissioned with a capacity of 70,000 cubic meter/day in April, 2007. Second environment license has obtained at 06.13.2013 with a validity time of 5 years and it is applicable to 06.13.2018. Data has been sent to ministry database thanks to Waste Water Treatment Facility remote monitoring station. In order to meet color parameter discharge standard that has been applicable since 2012 due to Water Contamination Regulation, at the aeration pool exit chemical dosage process has carried out and demanded legitimate values provided. Analysis made on waste sludge from sludge dewatering facility, has confirmed that waste sludge is not in dangerous.

DOSAB Waste Water Treatment Facility, has awarded in Most Environmentalist OIZ Competition conducted by Ministry of Environment and Forestry and OSBÜK in 2009. Beside, Turkey Healthy Cities Association has given ‘Most Environment Cautious Facility Award’ to DOSAB two times consecutively in 2011 and 2012. Because the facility has meet the required criteria, it has achieved to capitalize from incentive measures and within the scope 50% of cost of electricity utilization has been paid by Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

In 2015, total of 15,692,597 cubic meter waste water treated in the treatment facility and this corresponds to 1,307,716 cubic meter water/month.

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Facility, the first step of transformation of waste water discharge to utility water, construction has began. For this facility planned to process 25,000 cubic water/day, pilot scaled four MBR facility has been constructed and taken result. Right now, the process is at tender stage. The water coming out from MBR Facility will be treated and recycled by enhanced treatment technologies such as reverse osmoses and nano filtration. It is planned to complete recycling investment to conclude within the year of 2016.